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Timers Programmers & Thermostats

Electronic Timers Programmers & Thermostats from Tower, Grasslin, Horstmann and Eterna
Including room thermostats, frost thermostats and Towerchron timers

Flush Mounting Electronic Timer - Time Switch

7 Day Flush Mounting Digital Timer

Ref: FT7E

£13.68 Each
(£11.40 Ex VAT at 20%)

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16 Amp Digital Timer - Time Switch

7 Day Digital Immersion timer

Ref: IMT7E

£10.32 Each
(£8.60 Ex VAT at 20%)

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Flush Mounting 24 Hr Mechanical Time Switch

24 Hour Flush Mounting Mechanical Timer

Ref: FT24H

£9.78 Each
(£8.15 Ex VAT at 20%)

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Electro Mechanical general purpose Time Switch

24 Hour Electro Mechanical Immersion timer

Ref: IMT24H

£9.30 Each
(£7.75 Ex VAT at 20%)

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Tower 10 Amp Frost Thermostat

Tower Optimum 10 Amp Frost Thermostat


£15.36 Each
(£12.80 Ex VAT at 20%)

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Tower Socket Box Timer

Tower Optimum Socket Box Timer


£20.46 Each
(£17.05 Ex VAT at 20%)

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Eterna External Photocell with Timer

Eterna External Photocell

Ref: RDT10A

£15.30 Each
(£12.75 Ex VAT at 20%)

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